Friday, August 8, 2008

5 Minuets of Fame

I have Myspace, Facebook, a blog and videos on Youtube and I still have not made it on Regis and Kelly yet. I have this slight obsession with getting fame through one of these outlets. I watch a lot of entertainment news and read Yahoo News and there is always some random person who is featured because of something stupid and irrelevant that they posted. I can totally be that person. There is the guy who traded a paper clip for a house on craigslist, the guy who took a picture of himself everyday for a year, the guy who dances at random cities, Tila Techila and her MTV show.  The more I think of it the more I realize that usually it's the guys who have cool fame and the girls just look like sluts. I now want to get my internet fame to show the world a smart, classy and sophisticated woman does exist. So what if I gain fame by having the most Facebook friends or by waxing and cupping my friends. It's not about the journey it's about the destination. I don't need to be president to make a change in the world. 

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