Saturday, October 4, 2008

Go Cougars!

I watched my very first college football game tonight. It was the BYU vs. Utah State game. It was ok. I am just trying to do new things with new people and I accomplished that. BYU is ranked 8 nationally (or 7 depending on the stats ur looking. This said for Brandon's sake). They won 34-14 and continued their winning streak of 15-0. That being the longest winning streak in college history. What I do find amazing is the ability for me to learn and remember these facts to something I really don't care for. I try to keep up enough to last in common conversations. I would like to say though that they played very sloppy considering Utah State is ranked really badly. I also have to say that I was quite proud of some of the plays Utah State did, esp. in the last half making 2 touchdowns in 10 mins. I rather like the underdogs and I liked how the quarterback ran the ball a few times. OK that is all the football talk I can do. Maybe Texas is really getting to me.

1 comment:

katieg said...

So, you're a college football fan now? See what you have been missing all these years? Now if only you watched real football, like OU. No more of this BYU stuff.