Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Much Blessed

Sometimes I really just feel so loved and blessed and right now, as my birthday rolls around, I am reminded of how great my life is. As the big 27 looms near, I was feeling a little weird about being the oldest I've ever been. I went through a lot of the normal freak out and just wanted a quiet birthday dinner w/ close friends. Lucky for me, my very good and wonderful friend Chrissy Freeman (who makes me feel good about every decision I make in my life) wanted to have a big birthday party and invite everyone. She really outdid herself w/ her lovely photo shopping and Facebooked it to everyone we knew.

Just that picture alone made me happy. What really surprised me was the out pour of love and friendship from everyone. Bear w/ me on this one. It's a very Linda thought. As of right now, 31 people confirmed to come to my party. That's a huge deal. Even if they don't come, it takes a lot to actually confirm on Facebook. I always check "maybe" or "no" to most events because I don't want to be accountable for flaking. "Yes" is a huge commitment. It was a very nice thought from them.I got some really nice and positive messages from people who couldn't come and wanted to wish me a happy bday. It just brought a huge smile on my face and was more than I could have ever asked for. I even went so far as to compare the number of confirmations I have to confirmations in other events like dances and parties and my confirmations holds up very well against them. What I'm getting to is that it feels so nice to be blessed w/ such wonderful people in my life that this small act means so much to me. It really shows me that to some degree, people think of me and that makes me feel good. Sometimes I get to thinking about how little of something I have, or how much more I need to improve or that I'm just not enough. Then something as little as confirmations on something as superficial as Facebook makes me feel like I could have been some sort of impact on others. Maybe every now and then I brightened someones day. It means a whole lot to me that someone is willing to spend an hour of their time w/ me when they could be doing something else for them. I don't need a lot, just the knowledge that I was able to be someone fun, if even for a moment, in their life. Service is so strong and makes such an impact on a person's life. A lot of times, people don't even realize that they are doing a service and that exactly is what those confirmations and messages my friends wrote is; a service to me in raising my spirits and making an old gal feel important and special.


Chrissy said...


Linda's Birthday: 40 confirmed

Halloween Bash: 50 confirmed

Linda's birthday has been an event for 2 days.

Halloween Bash has been an event for... a lot longer.

Anonymous said...

hey linda,
you know i would be there if i was closer! lol! you are so lucky to have so many wonderful friends! can't wait to hear about the party and see pics on your blog! advance happy birthday girl! love yah!

Diane said...

Beautifully put, Linda.

Chrissy describes you as "someone everyone loves" give a lovely gift to others, now they get a chance to give back.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from someone twice your age!

Rebex said...

What a sweet post - it made me tear up a little, I'm not gonna lie. I'm so grateful to have you in my life. :)