Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Blogging life is an amazing new culture that has it's own rules and experiences that only other bloggers understand. This is my first blogger experience of being "tagged." My friend Thoamee has passed the blogger torch to me. Here are the rules:
Okay, here are the rules for this tag: 1: Each player starts with 8 random habits/facts about themselves. 2: People who are tagged need to write a post on their blog about their eight things and post these rules. 3: At the end of the post you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.

1.If there is cable T.V., I refuse to watch any network channels. I feel I have to take advantage of the paid cable, even if the shows suck and I would rather watch network shows. It probably has to do with the face that I didn't get cable until I was 19 years old so I'm trying to make up for lost time.

2.I try very hard not to have the same hair style or make up 2 days in a row. Even if no one notices, I know. It can be a different part or a different eyeliner, but there has to be a conscious difference.

3.Although I kicked the habit of biting off my nails the summer I turned 10, I still chew my nails almost daily. I won't bite them off, just chew on them. I do it more when I'm bored, nervous or anxious.

4.I look to my family for inspiration and when 2 of older sisters were able to twist their tongues, I made it a life long endeavor to do it too. I usually would practice when I was driving by myself in the car and try to will my tongue to roll over. Honestly I spent a few years to perfect it. Along the way I learned how to triple curl my tongue and eventually was able to roll it over both sides.

5.I LOVE Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. It's mainly because I love to get scared. It probably has to do with all the ghost stories my mom and family members would tell me when I was little. I would get so scared but in a weird way, is very comforting. I also like the aspect of being so scared and then realizing that nothing is actually happening. You get a thrill but none of the actual bad aftermath. The Others is my favorite movie of all times because I was so scared watching it that I had to sleep in my mom's bed that night. Sad but fun

6.I cannot listen to music from the the 80's or early 90's for too long because it makes me very nostalgic and then sad. It's not that I had a bad childhood or anything but it just makes me think of times of old and how life just changes and that we can't ever go back except for memories and I just get very sad thinking about it. I have to stop otherwise I'll get depressed. It always starts with good intentions of going down memory lane though.

7.These are my childhood dreams that I really thought would come to pass when I was old enough to have them:a)a hair cut where the bottom half is super short. Up to the nape of the neck and then the top layer super long. That way I get the best of both worlds. Everyone would think I have long hair and then when I put it up, poof, short hair. b)Randy Travis's Forever and Ever, Amen was soooo going to be my wedding song. It just spoke to me. I still love listening to it. c)I wanted my first born son to be named Sebastian because of this character in a book I read about. I just thought it was so sophisticated and distinguished. Then everyone I told that to said that was the gayest name ever so.... back to the drawing board.

8.I'm a talker. I know this isn't much of a shock but people are still amazed that I can talk as much as I really can. I don't think it's so much that I can talk as much as how long and late I can have the energy to talk. I just like company and that gives me energy to continue. I have yet to meet someone who can talk as long into the night as I can.

So here is a little more insight to me and I am tagging Chrissy, Chole, Brittany, Luisa, Katie, Emily, and Blia. Hope to learn more about you.


Chrissy said...

I accept your challenge.

Rebex said...

#1. That is hilarious! How can you watch The Office if you refuse to watch the network shows???

#2. You're such a girl! I love it though. I'm going to pay closer attention now. :)

#6 I'm listening to my all-time favorite song, "Glory of Love" right now...and you're right, it makes me all nostalgic and sad. I can't bear to give up my 80's/90's music though...even with this new realization that it makes me feel a little depressed.

Thanks for the random insights. You amuse me! I'll all caught up on your blog now. Hooray! :)

Luisa said...

Hmmm...I'm a boring person...so it's gonna be hard to do this challenge. You, on the other hand, are a different story...

<2> I tend to be the total opposite. You are a girly-girl!

<3> Eeww Linda! That's gross! Haha.

<4> Just goes to show that you can do anything you put your heart (and a lot of time and practice) into. Lol!

<7> Sebastian reminds me of a little crab...or a "not-so-manly" male hairdresser...sorry! haha :)

<8> You? A talker? Really? Hahaha.

Thanks for the tag...let's see what I can come up with...
