Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pre Halloween

Everyone who knows me knows that Halloween is my FAVORITE time of the year. You can be anything you want, it takes no effort and all you have to do is show up to a party. It's probably the reason I like New Years too, there is no effort on my part and I just get to have fun. More than anything on this great holiday, I love themed costumes. I had been talking nonstop to any and everyone about being part of my theme for weeks and no one was really taking me seriously. I had pretty much given up so I decided on a wicked cool costume. It just so happened that Chrissy decided on the same theme and so I convinced 6 other friends to be a part of our theme too. It is to remain top secret until Halloween. But since there was the barn dance, we decided to go but be a lame theme instead of our wicked cool theme this week. We decided to be all be one part of a costume so here is what we were.

We won the "made it on the way here" contest. We were a traffic light intersection. Chrissy, in white,is the walking man signal. Kelly, in green, is the go light. Me, in yellow, is yeild. Anel, in black, is the stop light.(Monica was our original red light but she showed up too late so I grabbed Anel to fill in for her. We have to be a complete theme.)Aubrey, w/ the red hand, is the red hand signal that means don't walk. Little did they know, we actually spent some time planning this.

See, traffic light.

All the winners from the night. Two of my dreams came true: being a theme and winning a contest. I love that my friends are willing to go along w/ these lame ideas of mine which they know bring me so much joy. Next up, the really wicked cool theme for Halloween.


Zach O. said...

there's been a lot of hype surrounding this costume plan y'all got goin on.

katieg said...

So this theme of your is wicked, eh? Can't wait to see it.

Rebex said...

Can't wait to see your "themed costume." Don't leave before I get there. My costume is not that original, but I'm gonna look rad. My roomies can attest to that - they got a sneak peak last night. I LOVE Halloween! :)