Monday, November 10, 2008

Youtube? You be the judge.

I'm not much of a Youtuber, but someone had mentioned to look up a video on a Mormon spoof so of course, I ended up spending way too much time watching things. I stumbled upon this which I thought this was super cute. I always remember things more if there is something catchy about it. Here is to the leaders of our church.

I also came across some anti Mormon videos which made me very irritated and I won't dwell on what is was. I don't like to watch too many b/c I get sucked in the negativity. I decided though to read some of the comments to see what people's reactions where. A young man made a comment really recently which really stood out to me. He was curious about religion and were asking those anti Mormons on gospel truth. He sounded like a very impressionable young man who truly just wanted to find truth and had no clue where to look.I have been working very hard on missionary work this year and had just taken a missionary prep class Sunday where we talked about commitments to share the gospel and how intricate commitments are to getting people to listen. At the end of the lesson, she made us all pick a commitment to do this week. I didn't want to make the commitment b/c then I was liable(which was the point of the lesson). I picked the easiest commitment, which was to pray for the missionaries and for opportunities to share the gospel. I distinctively made it clear that I can only commit to the first half which is to pray for the missionaries. It is very hard for me to share the gospel but when I read what that young man was saying, I thought about the commitments we had made and I was very prompted to email him. So I got his user info and sent him a message that he should go to for correct information and to contact the missionaries. I also said he can email me if he wanted. It felt really good to turn that negative video into something that could change another's life greatly. It was nice because it took aways any feeling of irritation I had and made me focus on what really matters and that is sharing the correct gospel. I don't know what will happen, but I felt good about following through on my commitments which is helping to spread the word.

1 comment:

Rebex said...

Janet, you are so stinkin' cool. Good job! Let us know if he writes you back. :)