Monday, February 18, 2008

Hunter Lives another day

I Googled goldfish food and discovered that they love lettuce. I know I was supposed to buy fish food but I keep forgetting. My roommate suggested I feed it bread and I did. I think that's what has helped Hunter survive the weekend. I don't think that bread can keep him alive forever and since I keep forgetting to buy food, I asked Google. Google knows all. If you can't find what you want on Google it's only because you aren't asking the right questions. Anyways, it said that they like lettuce and cooked peas. I totally have lettuce. So Hunter will be a very happy pet from now on. I hope he doesn't die. I might be a little sad.

1 comment:

Rebex said...

You crack me up! It's funny that you mention feeding Hunter bread because you kept forgetting to buy fish food. The same thing happened to me and Kyle last year after we inherited two goldfish from a ward activity. The bread didn't go over so well, though. Oops!