Wednesday, February 13, 2008

what the...??

This month has been one for weird comments/compliments. First, I was hanging out with a friend when he stated that I had "Big" hands. Who says that first of all and second, who says that to a girl. He corrected himself by saying that my hands are ginormous compared to my height. Thanks again buddy. I just said my customary thanks and guilted him into apologizing. It's not that I was offended, it's just more of a thinker. It was actually quite funny in a "he's so weird way." Then on Monday my other friend gave me an idea to get me on Regis and Kelly ( for my 5 minuets of fame I've always wanted). I was into it until he said I can represent Asians and show the whole world that we too can be pretty. What the ?? Again I said thanks with a bewildered look. He tried to explain but I just told him to put the shovel away. I don't know if I should feel good about being the best of the worst or if I should feel bad because I am destined to be doomed. Then this other dude was telling me that there was no way anyone should confuse me for Chinese because I'm too dark. Now I know that doesn't sound so insulating in the age of Tanorexia but as an Asian person, the lighter you are, the prettier you are. I don't really buy into that belief but when you've grown up hearing that your whole life, it kinda strikes a chord. It's not that any of these comments are insulting or meant to be negative towards me but what the ****? How is one supposed to take any of this. It's like a backhanded compliment or observation. I'm not sounding off as much as just trying to get it. Or boys are just really dumb and don't know the right things to say. I think I've just been in awkward company.

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